October 29, 2012

Random Fall Thoughts

Wow, what a difference a month makes. The last post was one of those posts just for something to write. Then on September 25th, L's grandma passed away. We spent the next week in OK, then came home to begin prepping for the next phase. Biggest news of the last few weeks:

  • L starts his new job on Sunday, if all of his tests go well.
  • B is grounded into literally next year. For what? you ask. Mostly for having a smart mouth. Pretty sure he got that from his dad :)
  • L's art work was featured in the county fair, where she received a blue ribbon and $2!
  • Idiot neighbor kid broke one of our windows right before the weather got bad, so we haven't fixed it yet. Don't we look like the white trashiest house on the block!
  • Applying for every job that looks remotely like something better than what I have.
  • Other than the window, our house is looking pretty great. L's room almost finished, boys' room almost finished, warm weather forecast for Saturday, when we hope to get everything winterized and wrapped up before L starts new gig.
  • Yeah, Peyton Manning's alright after all.
And the last word, in the news that is so old news, can I just say that I am SO sick of the political hate that is going around right now. I live in a state that no self-respecting politician ever visits, I already know who I am voting for, and if those people didn't go to my church, I would have un-friended them months ago.