June 28, 2010

You Might be From White County...

1. You think any waitress who expects more than a two dollar tip should get a job at Wal-Mart like everyone else.
2. Planning a vacation consists of making your hotel reservation before you get to Branson.
3. You didn't see the need to move the old trailer out before you moved the new one in beside it.
4. You've ever done your Christmas shopping at TSC.
5. You know what TSC stands for.
6. You'd rather float the Spring than the Buffalo because you can leave the beer cans as you go.
7. You think a trip to LR consists of Sam's Club, the mall, and eating on Restaurant Row. You never cross the river and you never eat at a restaurant that isn't part of a national chain.
8. You'll drive the 45 miles to NLR to eat an overcooked steak, but you refuse to pay more than $4.95 for a burger at home.
9. You believe the imitation Dooney from the flea market looks just like the real thing.
10. You don't understand why people made a big deal about your state rep's bill to allow guns in schools and churches.
11. You find it necessary to keep your junk cars inside an 8-foot chain link fence with a rottweiler, even though you live 5 miles down a dirt road named after your papaw.
12. When you go to the liquor store, your purchase includes enough to drink on the drive back across the county line.

Always with the Random Thoughts

My head must be full of random thoughts this morning. I say this because my head is already starting to hurt, and I can't seem to focus on any one thing. Of all the junk in there, the following are probably the things I need to sort out in the short term:

1. Make an appointment with Dr. Roberts to get prescription strength medicine so people will stop asking me about it.
2. Figure out a plan for dealing with B's behavior/attitude. Tempted sometimes to beat the living crap out of him, but a more appropriate/less socially taboo response would be better. Considering sending him to CO for a week, but not sure yet if that will work out. Must do something before school starts, or a new year in a new school will be tough.
3. Hand off the brochure project at work so I can get back to the web site. I worked on it Friday after not having worked on it for awhile, and I was very excited about maybe finally being able to make it active and get rid of the old site.
4. Decide if I am willing to sell the Miata already :(
5. Now that apartments are at capacity, L should have more time to spend on home/family. Would like to agree with him on some priorities. We'll see.
6. June is almost over and we haven't planned any vacation or other family activities. I have stuff in mind, but need to do some research first. Possibly OK, definitely CO, the small stuff can happen as it happens.
7. The usual relationship crap. More on this to come.

June 17, 2010

No Sleep ('til Brooklyn)

Today's random thoughts so far, in no particular order

1. Death by firing squad
2.What I would want my last meal to be if I were about to be executed,
by firing squad or otherwise
3. The "L" word
4. The BP oil spill
5. Driving around Tulsa in a metallic turquoise Camaro with The Beastie Boys blasting
6. Whether the thought of buying air soft guns has anything to do with having our property vandalised, or if I just like the thought of air soft guns :)
7. Father's Day
8. My upcoming wedding anniversary
9. Hoping L's day off with B goes well

June 15, 2010

Do You Smoke?

When I could still smell, I had a very good sense of smell. With many things, I could smell it before I could see it. The smell of pot is one of those smells I almost always smell before I see. While I was never a big pot smoker, when I smelled it, I always looked to see if I could figure out where it was coming from. I did this because it can often be amusing to be the straight person among the drunk or stoned. I never really cared for the smell of pot, but I did like when it signaled that things might be about to get interesting.

On the other hand, I used to love the smell of a freshly-lit cigarette. I was never a big smoker either. This was partly because I always had other things on which to spend money, and partly because the only time smoke smelled good was right at first. Stale smoke, on the other hand, is not a good smell at all. 

I used to spend my share of time in dive bars and pool halls, which are bad enough as far as stale smoke, spilled beer, and BO. But the worst of course was the morning after. I'd come home after a night of work, followed by a few hours playing pool or closing down a bar. I'd crash. I'd get up to get ready for school or work. I would sit up carefully, then stand and walk slowly to the bathroom. About the time I would think maybe I was going to get by with just a headache, I would step into the shower. If I was going to be sick, this was it.

Maybe because the smells of hairspray and grease and smoke and beer and whatever were just there when I woke up, they were part of me. The fact that they were all combined, and they were all a day older, and they were capped by a hangover, didn't register for some reason until my hair got wet. Then it all came back. The big hair and the small skirt, the beer and the shots, the cigarette held to keep track of where my fingers were when I caught a good buzz, the sounds of music and pool and voices, the greasy breakfast eaten late or early, depending on how you looked at it. Yep, if I was going to be sick, it was that smell of water on morning after hair that usually caused it.

Once I made it out of the shower, I was usually good to go. Another day older, as clean as I was going to get, and hoping things might get interesting again before the day was over.

June 11, 2010

Either Will Do

Came across this blog a few days ago.  Among the many very interesting stories about how people lost their virginity was one from a young man who focused specifically on the difference between sex and intimacy. Had sort of been thinking about this in that same but different way already, but then I really started thinking about it. Still thinking about it, in fact. Without elaborating, or sharing a specific anecdote, the basic points are these:

~ Sex with intimacy is probably the ideal, physically, morally, psychologically, etc.
~ Sex with intimacy is just one of many kinds of sex. While there may not be as many types of sex as there are Eskimo words for snow, I can think of more than a few ;-)
~ It is entirely possible to have one without the other. This is fine too, if both of you are honest about what you are looking for.
~ I have settled for one when I was looking for the other.That's kind of pathetic, but not as pathetic as having to ask for what you want, or asking for what you want and still not getting it.
~ Intimacy for the sake of intimacy can be amazing in it's own way. You can miss it just as much as physical sex when you don't get it. Maybe more.

I may very well add to this post. I know I will continue thinking about it, at least until I get one or the other. I will take whichever comes first.

Avocado, Day 141

Holy crap. These things amaze me, how quickly they grow once they start.  It has outlasted the previous attempt by a foot. Hard to imagine that skinny little stalk supporting fruit someday, if it survives us that long.

Have given up on the pineapple.

June 9, 2010


We were here once
Barely long enough to leave a trace

Smudged prints, where we pressed our fingertips to touch
Cool glass, warm earth

Faint tracks, where we made our way
They disappear at the place where we crossed the line

A small stain, from something left a bit too long
The bright red scar, where I landed too hard

We were here once
Barely long enough to leave a trace
Just long enough to find what you were looking for

June 7, 2010

Relationships by the Numbers

Through the magicurse that is FaceBook, I am now "friends" with 1) the guy I had a crush on since 8th grade, 2) the guy I went to my Junior Prom with, 3) the first guy I ever fell really hard for, 4) the guy who would have gladly been the rebound guy, had I not turned him down, and 5) the first guy I had a long-term relationship with, among others.

Numbers one and two don't count. They are guys I went to high school with. It was a small school and most of us have kept in touch since before FB. Number 3 lives in England and is doing quite well. Once we got all of the preliminary catching up out of the way, I am content to be among his numerous friends/fans. His band recently released their 4th EP worldwide.

Numbers 3 and 5 have been on my mind more than most lately.  Number 3 because we have reconnected in a more spectacular way than I could have anticipated. Number 5 because he just got divorced, and we have talked some about this, as well as some possible new developments in our respective lives.

The reason I am writing about any of them at all is because Number 3 implied today that his marriage may be coming to an end. He has mentioned this before, but not in a way that suggested it might be in the foreseeable future. We haven't talked about it, so I do not know any of the details. That's not really my point for this post.

The point is that one of my first thoughts today was to note that the two people I was most serious about before my husband are also two of the people I have talked with lately about relationships.  The self-centered part of me automatically inserts myself into their situations, in the guise of trying to relate their situation(s) to mine.

Now keep in mind that the self-centered part of me is not the confident type, it is the neurotic type. I have no reason to think the break up of their marriages has anything to do with me. No, the thought I am left with at the end of the day, other than concern about what prompted my friend to mention his marriage in this way, is to wonder if either of them would have been as willing to reconnect and open up about relationships past and present if their current situations had been in better shape.

The neurotic part of me finds it hard to imagine that either of them looked me up for any reason other than to be polite and maybe satisfy their curiosity. Oh wait, I looked them up. All they had to do was accept the invite. They probably really were just being polite. The reason(s) for the overture on my part will have to wait for another day.