June 28, 2010

You Might be From White County...

1. You think any waitress who expects more than a two dollar tip should get a job at Wal-Mart like everyone else.
2. Planning a vacation consists of making your hotel reservation before you get to Branson.
3. You didn't see the need to move the old trailer out before you moved the new one in beside it.
4. You've ever done your Christmas shopping at TSC.
5. You know what TSC stands for.
6. You'd rather float the Spring than the Buffalo because you can leave the beer cans as you go.
7. You think a trip to LR consists of Sam's Club, the mall, and eating on Restaurant Row. You never cross the river and you never eat at a restaurant that isn't part of a national chain.
8. You'll drive the 45 miles to NLR to eat an overcooked steak, but you refuse to pay more than $4.95 for a burger at home.
9. You believe the imitation Dooney from the flea market looks just like the real thing.
10. You don't understand why people made a big deal about your state rep's bill to allow guns in schools and churches.
11. You find it necessary to keep your junk cars inside an 8-foot chain link fence with a rottweiler, even though you live 5 miles down a dirt road named after your papaw.
12. When you go to the liquor store, your purchase includes enough to drink on the drive back across the county line.

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