October 28, 2011

Taking a Break

Weird - After an incredibly busy month, life is settling back down to merely hectic. I still have a lot going on, and no real break for awhile (I was hoping for a personal weekend, which is not looking likely for another month), but it is mostly family stuff or something I brought on myself. The weird part is that now that I have a little time, I am at a loss. I had time to watch TV last night and I watched baseball of all things. True, it was a good game, but not something I would normally watch. I have time to blog, and nothing to blog about except my crazy schedule.

I have been blogging pretty regularly for awhile, but now I am thinking that maybe I need to take a break from it. Looking back over it, it hasn't amounted to much anyway. If I want to write seriously, then I should be doing more of that. If I want to keep a journal about personal stuff, I can do that. But this thing I have been doing is not working. What was meant to be an authentic attempt at observation and reflection has turned into a lot of pathetic navel-gazing and false angst. Plus the whole idea of laying my personal thoughts, as unoriginal as they are, out there for review is a little creepy for a blog that is in that state between public and completely private.

I may change my mind. The next time I have a wild dream, the next time I have a random thought I can't shake, the next time I have a pithy comment, I may write. Then again, none of those things has happened in a while, so maybe I won't.

And one last phrase of the day that wouldn't fit in the list:
Fuck you and the mid-size sedan you drove in on.

October 25, 2011

More WTF

October 21, 2011

Done and Doner

Conference - done. Went down Tuesday to set up. Went out with Marti and Carolene. Wednesday was Day One. It went pretty well, just very busy. Wednesday night, I was exhausted and had no obligations, so I went to my room to chill out. When I felt a bit better, I went downstairs for a drink. One drink later I was in a conversation with some nice people and watching baseball, so I had another drink. Then some more people came and we were talking about politics, so I ordered another drink. Then some state legislators came in and we were gossiping about other state legislators. Fortunately neither was my representative or on the committee that has oversight for my agency, because by this time I realized I should have quit at two drinks. Got back to my room and did something that still makes no sense and texted Him. Correction, I think the text itself made sense, at least to me at the time, but not why I felt the need to text Him. I think I was finished drinking, but still interested in making a "connection" with someone. I must of been more gone than I realized, because sober I would have known there was no connection to be made there.

Speaking of sober, I woke up feeling terrible on Thursday. One of the first things I did, after I realized that this day was going to S-U-C-K suck, was delete his number from my phone. Not sure why I hadn't done it sooner, but it's done now. As I suspected, Thursday was the worst. I was so tired I couldn't stop moving because I wasn't sure I could get going again. At the end of it all, a group of us went out to dinner. We ended up staying longer than we had planned, because in our absence the hotel had to be evacuated. The policeman said it was a gas leak, but the otherwise normal-looking women at the next table swore a "gas bomb" had been set off at the Tea Party banquet on the second floor. I am personally inclined to believe the nice policeman, but I plan to investigate the rumor. Glad we were out for the evacuation, because at that point I am not sure I would have been able to walk down 14 flights of stairs. Even better, I now know how to clear out a Tea Party event :)

So today was good, and now I am done for the week. My car is unloaded to make room for football and soccer equipment and the weekend looks fantastic weather- and plans-wise. Headed home to enjoy my family before I have to return to the office and start sorting it all back out. And that's my preliminary report for the week: Hot Springs - great, drunk texting bad. I...am...done

October 16, 2011


I am so tired it is ridiculous, but I have one more week to go before I get a bit of a break.

Every year, I coordinate a conference for about 650 people. My colleague and I do everything, literally everything, between us with the exception a few small tasks. So anyway, her organization lost their funding and she found another job, which is fortunate for her. It sucks for me though, because even though my organization received two new grants, we didn't hire anyone new.

That means that since July, I have been single-handedly responsible for everything to do with the conference. Sure, Pam helped as much as she could on the tasks she always did. And I did as much as possible in advance and have arranged volunteers for as many tasks as possible. But the last two weeks before the event, and the event itself, are always busy and stressful anyway. This year is worse.

I asked my husband if I seemed more stressed than in previous years, and he said most definitely.The way he said it was almost like he was relieved that I had acknowledged it first, as if he was afraid to mention it. He was so sweet, and said I can tell you are stressed, and I hate that I can't do anything to help. He's right, because unfortunately, my in-laws schedule is such that they are not going to be available to help with the kids, which means he is not going to get to come to HS for the extra day on the weekend.

I had hoped to stay an extra day after the conference, because HS this time of year is fantastic. Plus, we could really use a break. The last year and a half of been terrible for us, but that's another topic. Things are looking some better now, and a break from everyday life will be welcome, even if it is just me.

So, headed to bed now, in spite of the work I didn't finish, and headed to HS on Tuesday morning. I plan to enjoy it the best that I can, if it doesn't kill me first.

October 13, 2011

Well Said

I don't know if I'll make it
Watch how good I fake it
   ~ Lyric from Party on the Rooftop, but it fits. 

My other favorite phrases of the day:

It raises suspicions among the already suspicious.
If anyone is really serious about wanting every conception to result in a healthy baby then make that choice possible. 
We can solve our own problems if we don't drown in stupid first.

October 11, 2011


No random thoughts lately because they are all focused on just a few things. In a nutshell:

Officially sold the apartments. No more Slumlord Chronicles. Bad in terms of blog fodder, but good in most ways that matter.

B is rockin' it at football. Headed out for a game in a few minutes, thanks to cancellation of another meeting.

Twins are busy with soccer. They seem to be having fun and doing pretty well.

Work is kicking my ass. I am not going to give the run down here because I already have more to-do lists going than I can keep track of. If I don't feel the love after next week, I am definitely going to work on parlaying my awesome skills into a better job.

Not writing at all lately, not even the blog. I do have a presentation tomorrow, as well as two other big events I am working on. Glad tonight was rescheduled, I needed a break. I sort of lost track of which day it was at some point today but better now.

Back to the grind for now, then back to "normal" soon.