The highlights of our family timeline for the last week look something like this:
Tuesday, 4-2 - Gigi passed away, 10 days after her stroke
Wednesday, 4-3 - took B to church, ate at Waffle House with MIL
Thursday, 4-4 - Let B have a friend spend the night on a school night, because the whole week was effed up anyway, so why not?
Friday, 4-5 - took the day off work to get ready for trip to OK
Sat, 4-6, 1:30 a.m. - got up and showered
Sat, 4-6, 2:45 a.m. - picked L up in Lonoke and began driving to OK
4-6, 6:00 a.m. - stopped for gas, breakfast and truck stop showers
(which everyone in my family except for me seems to think is a treat)
Sat, 4-6, 8:30 a.m. - arrive in Ramona where we changed clothes and got ready for funeral
Sat, 4-6, 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. - LONGEST EFFING DAY EVER
Sunday, 4-7, noonish - skipped church, met lots of family for lunch after, where we celebrated B's birthday.
He was pretty cool about it, very appreciative of all of the attention,
and fully understanding that the only time he will ever have this many
family members at a birthday party for him will be if it coincides with
another funeral. Little twerp raked in a bunch of money too, part of
which he donated to the Memorial Fund.
Sunday, 4-7, 4 p.m. - headed back to AR
Sunday, 4-7, 10:30 p.m. - dropped L off in Lonoke
Sunday, 4-7, 11 p.m. - arrived home, unloaded the bare minimum from car, and fell into bed
Notice anything missing from the 72 hours between Friday night and Sunday night? Like adequate sleep?
hope to eventually write a bit about Gigi, and what a pretty amazing
family she left behind, but not right now. Right now I have to get
through the last hour of work so I can go home, unload the car, and
begin to make space in my house for a piano. Yes, we just acquired a
piano. With a fairly prominent plaque on the side that ensures we can
never (easily) get rid of it.