January 15, 2016

Goodbye 2015

Wow, so much has happened since I posted last. For the purpose of clearing my thoughts so I can get back to work, I am just going to make a list of possible topics that I have thought about in the last year:

1. B - Where to start? He is 15, he has a girlfriend, he took the truck without permission and blew the transmission, his friends are all idiots and I don't think he has smoked pot again since he got caught. He is home from school today with a sprained ankle.

2. The twins - both mostly amazing, occasionally challenging.

3. L - still driving a truck. Life without him home is different than with. Not sure which I handle better. On a positive note, we are going to Nashville for the weekend in a couple of weeks. Hopefully good weather and a good time.

4. Work - I pretty much don't speak to M. After more than a year, I can't decide if D is brilliant or completely ignorant.

5. Football - the Broncos are in the playoffs, baby!!! Already arranging my weekend so that I can watch them play Pittsburgh on Sunday. Hoping for the best but will not be surprised if they blow it.

6. Family - K suddenly married to some random guy. T expected to be released next month. My brother engaged, no date set that I know of.

7. The 'hood - the house next door burned down right after Thanksgiving. No one was living there, and some question about whether they still own or the bank does, but clean up crew came this week and started to remove everything.

Speaking of removal, our garage is down to just a slab. We still need to haul off shingles, but hope to flag where new utility lines and outer walls are to go this weekend, if it will ever stop raining.

Have had to put painting off until spring, as weather has been either constant rain or freezing cold since November. Thankfully not both at the same time, although we are getting to that particular season.

Not much else is going on, just needed to vent a bit as I try to finish out my Friday afternoon. May come back and elaborate on some of these if I get a chance. If not, it's not like anyone will notice anyway.

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