March 12, 2012

Busy Stuff

B spent all weekend texting a girl. As of last night, they were going together. Today she broke it off. I asked him if he was OK. He laughed and said yes. I think he's going to be fine. He has his first baseball practice tonight, which should keep him otherwise occupied.

Spring Break is next week. We are going to Branson for a couple of days. When school starts back up, he is making the switch from a clarinet to a tenor sax. We'll see how that goes. He also has to get a second set of braces. That's going to suck, since our orthodontic insurance doesn't kick in for a while.

I am looking forward to Spring Break. Not because we are going to Branson, but just because I am ready for a break. Work has been crazy busy for awhile now. I hauled about 30 boxes up from the parking lot today. Tomorrow I need to finish getting 1200 post cards ready to mail. Wednesday is a board meeting.That leaves Thursday and Friday to do online training, send 30 resource packets, and come up with a plan for getting the 30 boxes back out of my office. Then after Spring Break, trying to get caught up all over again so I can be gone to DC for a week.

Will just get crazier as baseball gets into full swing and L starts working business again. He still has his core clients, but he has been working for his mom during tax season rather than marketing to new clients during winter season. Good news is that business is paying off, and he seems mostly happy doing it.

Doesn't leave a lot of time for me to do my stuff, but I am still trying to fit projects in, and doing a better job of making the case for personal time. This month looks like I will get to return to writing group, which is the one thing that is mine only, and probably the thing I am most looking forward to.

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