December 9, 2010

Just Being Myself

Just came from giving blood. I don't usually leave there feeling bad exactly, but it's also not like I go there expecting to have fun. Maybe because I have kind of a couldn't give a crap attitude today, or maybe because the staff was so nice, or maybe just because it was a slow day at the lab, I actually had a good time.

The check-in took forever because the tech and I were talking about all sorts of stuff. Then she stood and talked to me through the whole donation process, which she didn't have to do. I thought I might get to read the Times while I sat in the lounge afterward, but some other tech came over and started talking to me about donating platelets. I agreed to give it a try. He came back flipping though a binder and apologized for his old-fashioned appointment book. This reminded me of something funny that happened in New Orleans so I told him about it. It went something like this:

Guy next to me at bar (who has already annoyed both me and the bartender): Do you know where X is?
Me: Sort of. Let me show you. (I proceed to get out my handy-dandy map and the guy sort of snickers.) Yeah, I'm a low-tech girl.
Guy, as he pokes at his iPhone: Well, I'm a high-tech guy.
Me: Then you shouldn't have any trouble finding it (under my breath "tool")

The Red Cross tech laughs and makes the comment that he thinks I am going to fit in just fine around there.

The whole drive back, I am thinking to myself that I just made two strangers laugh and got an invitation to come back. Granted, they don't want me back for eight weeks and they probably only want me for my blood, but it did feel good, just being myself again for a little while.

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