November 20, 2011

The Gift That Keeps on Giving

The twins turned 5 today. Like most kids, they seem advanced in some ways, a bit behind in others, but mostly perfectly normal for their age. Like most parents I would like to believe that they are geniuses, although this will almost surely not turn out to be the case. Smart as they are though, they are just not ready to learn about or be exposed to certain things.

All of this to say that several times over the last few days they have expressed interest in the top drawer of the night stand, also referred to as the Fun Drawer. I realize that I must be careful not to call it that in front of them, as it will only pique their curiosity. Likewise, I can't freak out or give them reason to believe that there is anything noteworthy in there. Nor can I turn down the vigilance, only to be surprised by the introduction of the Pink Rabbit at an inopportune moment (said with a devilish grin).

I would freak out if B discovered it, but for different reasons. He has a pretty good grasp of the basics, like how babies are made, and I am pretty sure he and his dad have talked about masturbation. We have also had general conversations about porn, homosexuality, etc. I just don't think I am prepared to explain why his mom, who is married to his dad, has a drawer full of accessories, when sex is normal, natural, blah, blah, blah.

Because the fourth option, eliminating the Fun Drawer, is not an option. Discreet vigilance it is then, so that my precocious five-year olds are not "those" kids. You know, the ones you learned about sex from before you learned it from the people who were supposed to teach you about it :)

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