July 29, 2013


Untitled. Undecided. Un-whatever - this has been a really very crappy couple of days.

The trip to Branson was actually OK. The weather was fantastic, the resort was nice, the kids had a great time. I could have stood to stay another day, maybe.

But, I got some disturbing news, and I am not sure yet what to do with/about it. I can see even as I write that I am going to need to think a little more about it before I do anything.

Then I got to work today to find the chaos has accelerated into like super chaos or something. Not sure about this either, but the difference is that I have limited control over how this turns out. Suffice it to say that I am longer waiting until after the conference to step up the job search.

I am headed to home to face a tedious task I can no longer avoid, so even home won't be that relaxing tonight.

And to think that I was just hoping to get around to posting about the dream I had of living in a hotel with a lobby big enough for the kids to ride their bikes and a lesbian roommate who specialized in stir fry.

Hmmpphh - Happy freaking Monday.

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