February 22, 2011

Twisted Lines

I haven't posted in a while for a couple of reasons. First, my laptop is officially dead, so I have had less opportunity to play around on the computer. Probably wouldn't matter though, as I have had a distinct lack of random thoughts lately.

What, no random thoughts? Chalk it up to being either at one end of the extreme or other - I have been either so busy with work and family and odds and ends that I haven't had time to think, or I have been brain dead from sinus meds and one too many snow days at home with kids.

Life seems to be sorting itself out now though. Truly random thoughts will probably return. For now, some of the stuff on my mind, random and not-so-random:

  • I signed three kids up for baseball this year. Help us all.
  • Enjoying nice weather. Pretending it is not a precursor to tornado season.
  • On the subject of weird weather, more earthquakes to the west of us, but not felt quite as far as our town.
  • Line from a song by a guy I dated in college keeps going through my head. Weird story about downloading his music to B's mp3 player and explaining that yes, I once dated a guy who went on to become a real musician.
  • Day with B coming up. We are doing half-day hike at Pinnacle Mountain.
  • Still have not decided if I will participate in speech contest tomorrow.
  • Rally's chicken sandwich is sounding good. A little hungry, a little procrastination because my next work task is to fiddle with Facebook page, and I am so over FB these days. I have always known that I am one of those people who talks a lot without ever saying anything. I'm OK with that, but not OK with being that person on FB!

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