February 3, 2011

Whine Warning

It should be against the rules to feel this f***ing bad without having gotten drunk, laid or arrested the night before. Not sure why I am so down today, but I am just gonna vent everything that is bugging me in the hope that I can at least move on:

~ I couldn't sleep last night, then woke up with a headache right between the eyes. Yep, it's still there.
~ SJ was gone today. Not sure if this made me more or less productive. I think it was in the cards that I would be useless today either way. Not sure if she was really sick or avoiding me because she knows I am quite pissed right now.
~ It is so cold that the only time I have taken my coat off today was for a health history.
~ I was supposed to give platelets, but they decided my veins weren't good for this. So they said I could still do whole blood, except that my red count was way too low.
~ So I didn't go back to work, just ran a couple of errands to get stuff for a project in case we end up getting snow again tomorrow. I stopped two places and only got about half of what I needed.
~ I don't mind if it snows more, as long as it gets above 20 f***ing degrees.
~ I am stressing a little about the roof leaking.
~ The quest for "the song" has only served to annoy the crap out of me.

I do not take mental health lightly, but some days I do wish I was the kind of person who could just be selfish, blow off responsibility and do what I wanted to do. Today it would have been to stay in bed and watch TV and feel sorry for myself. Instead, I am headed to pick up kids, then come home and make dinner and pretend to give a flip about any of the stuff that the rest of the world cares about.

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