August 12, 2011

Thoughts Before Sleeping

OK, that last post was way too lame. If I am going to go to the trouble of blogging, then I should be original in what I write. If I can't be original, I should at least be honest, so instead of deleting that last bit of nonsense, I will replace it with a couple of things that are on my mind.

Saw Troy today. I was surprised when he showed up, but he looked great. I didn't have a chance to talk to him, but I am really hoping everything is OK. I invited him to come by anytime, and I hope he takes me up on it.

B had football practice tonight, even though it was still raining. I really like his coach and he does too. I hope he has a great year again because I think he could be a pretty good player and I want him to enjoy it.

My mom and aunt are leaving tomorrow (today). The room is not finished, but it looks much better, and most of what is left I can do without help. Will try to at least download pics soon.

Brochures for work did not arrive yet, so I am taking tomorrow off too. Will work on house some, but may also take some time just to do "me" stuff. You know, since I had a birthday and a vacation and all!

Totally forgot the Broncos played tonight. I will have to avoid Facebook (not a problem) and Yahoo headlines (harder to do) until I get to watch the replay.

And note to self: do NOT drink coffee at night any more. I know I am tired, but will have a hard time falling asleep. I am a bit wired (if you couldn't tell), plus my legs hurt from working on a ladder all day, and I got an unexpected birthday wish I have been thinking over.

That's it. I know I had more when I started, but I can't think of it. Must mean I am winding down, which is a good thing. And my hair hurts. I need sleep.

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