April 11, 2010

Be Thankful, Keep Trying

A gazillion thoughts going through my head.
A dictionary search to find a word that comes close to describing my current situation.
A fierce need to write something, anything. 

So for lack of the right words to write the post I want to write, I will distract myself by listing some of the things I am thankful for (aka reasons not to screw things up).

1. L - who helped me get out the door on time this morning, who cleaned up the kitchen after I left (including washing the dishes!), who greeted me at lunch with "I love you" and a hug.
2. B - who can be so mature when he tries.  He spent his first night away from home for something other than a family thing.  His Junior Bible Quiz team came in second in the State Finals, and in spite of being tired, he behaved himself very well today, was a huge help, and someone I enjoyed just hanging out with.
3. L - who is so sweet and so funny and so gorgeous, while being the perfect mix between girly-girl and tom-boy.
4. D - who is so stinkin' smart for his age, and will always be my baby even when he outgrows me.
5. Home - which is relatively quiet and peaceful, especially compared to yesterday.
6. Church - where I almost always leave feeling better than when I went.
7. A gorgeous day, not too hot, spent visiting with family and playing on the trampoline.
8. Distractions - just enough to keep from having too much time to think, but not so many that I am overwhelmed.
9. Good friends
10. A sense of contentment, if not with life in general, then at least with today, for right now.

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