September 13, 2010

Crazy Dreams

I can't remember the last time I had a dream that I could recall when I woke up. But this weekend I had two, both of which are still vivid.

In the first, I was subpoenaed to be a witness in divorce court for someone else. I am not even sure that is possible, but it is still sort of disconcerting.

In the second, I arrived at a family event to find all of my stuff waiting in a pile for me to take as I was evicted from the family. A weird thing about this dream, besides the obvious, was that the pile included other people's crap too, which I seemed to load up and take with me without question. Hah, like I would ever deal with other people's baggage and unwanted junk without complaining.

Then, as I am writing this, I am informed by my boss that I will "have" to do something. Anyone who knows me knows that upon being told I "have" to do anything, or feeling that I am expected to do something without being given a choice, I get quite annoyed.

As if I wasn't already feeling crappy enough, and having dreams I would just as soon forget, I am now just pissy in general. Monday used to be my favorite day of the week.

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