September 28, 2010

Oh That Smell

Well crap. On a night when I was exhausted, at the beginning of the week when I really needed the sleep, I woke up halfway through the night and never quite went back to sleep.

I know why though. I had a dream. In my dream, I was going out for the evening with Him. Not sure where we were going, but we were dressed up. At some point we decided to go to a low-rent gambling place. We got separated. When we met up again, we hugged and he smelled amazing. I think that is what woke me up, and everything that came after was me trying to get back to the good part of the dream. It must have been the smell I was chasing, because he was being a bit of a jerk. There was some fence-climbing, and a fight over a hammer, and a break-up of the impromptu band over creative differences. At some point during the meeting with the owners of the racehorse I leaned over and caught a faint whiff, but then it was over.

I am annoyed this morning for several reasons. First, I am tired. Second, I am annoyed that in my dream I was following him around waiting for something that wasn't likely to happen. It was an interesting dream otherwise. Third, when I am tired, I am grumpy. I don't want to be grumpy, so instead of spending my commute to work trying to analyze the dream, I am going to think about all of the other people I have known who smelled good.

Starting with my dad, who always smelled like work and outdoors, in a good way. And Brent H, who usually smelled of Polo, even when he was sweaty :)

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