September 16, 2010


Signs I am strung a little tighter than usual this week:
  1. I am achy all over, from getting hurt, and being sick, and generally having stress.
  2. When I am not doped up from the medicine, I am acting like a three year old - a lot of unfocused energy, but with an attention span the length of my pinkie finger.
  3. I am cranky, but not in the usual "no time for idiots" way I am cranky. I am cranky in the way that everything makes me want to go to bed and cry myself to sleep.
  4. For that matter, the most ridiculous things make me weepy. I did that thing I hate, where I get emotional and whiny, in front of complete strangers not once, but twice this week. I really hate that.
  5. I am avoiding people and situations that I don't feel like dealing with, even though I know I am only delaying the inevitable and making it harder for myself later.
  6. I am having a harder time than usual seeing a bright spot, even though I know part of my tension is only temporary and/or caused by not feeling well.
OK, enough whining. Going to bed now.

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