September 10, 2010

So Who's on Third?

Dennis is a little weird, but basically a good guy. His girlfriend is nice enough, but a lot weird, in several ways.

They had a roommate for awhile. She seemed normal. We couldn't figure out what she was doing with the two of them. Then she wasn't their roommate anymore.

Now they have a different roommate. The first account of any conversation with her went something like:

G: So she's his girlfriend (points to girlfriend and Dennis)
RM: yes
G: and you're their girlfriend? (points to roommate)
RM: (in a bitchy voice) NO, I am her girlfriend (points to first girlfriend)

So L is telling me about the conversation and I have to ask about the first roommate. Was that situation what we thought it was? Sort of.

Turns out Dennis invited that girl home to be their roommate/third partner. For whatever reason it didn't work out. So he invited the second girl home, same scenario. Only now Dennis' girlfriend and her girlfriend sleep together and drive around in my Miata. Dennis paid for the Miata and sleeps on the couch.

And that is where being a basically nice guy gets you in my apartment complex.

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