January 6, 2011


For some reason I can't remember, Jerry, Todd R and I decided to go to Stillwater on a Thursday night. So they pick me up, we make the rounds, and we head that way. (I will tell the story of the engagement ring separately).

When we finally get there, we go straight to this ginormous country place outside of town. We drink cheap beer and Jerry tries to teach me to line dance. After a couple of hours, we go back into town to hit the strip. We are just pulling into town and looking for a place to park when we get pulled over. T and I stay in the car, but we can see and hear the whole thing. I think the cop was about to let him go when Jerry had to go and open his mouth. Not good. The cop had him wrapped up pretty fast after that so we got out of the car.

He told us he was taking Jerry in and asked us a few questions. Then he told us we were free to go, but he wouldn't let us have the keys to the truck, which was going to be impounded. Free to go - yay. On foot. In a place where we knew a bunch of people, but only if we could find them - oh boy.

So T and head toward the strip. It didn't take us too long before we ran into people we knew. We hung out a bit, but the evening had effectively come to end. We just weren't sure how to wrap it up. Finally we ran into Heidi, who knew someone with an apartment she wasn't using.

She let us in, but we didn't have a key. That meant that first thing next morning, I stayed there while T went up to the corner to use the phone and bring back donuts. He had gotten in touch with Gina, who would come pick us up. (Gina went to OSU, but came home to Tulsa on the weekends. She was also best friends with Toni, Todd's ex.) She took us to her place to hang out until she finished with classes. While we were there, we called around to figure out what to do about Jerry. We also had to call our boss to tell him we might be late for work that night. This was a bit tricky since all four of us worked together, and our boss happened to be dating Jerry's sister.

Finally Gina was done and we went to pick up Jerry. On the way out of town we stopped to check on Jerry's truck, then we all headed back to Tulsa. We showed up for work just as the Friday night rush was beginning, so we had to wait until the end of the night to tell our tale. For T, Gina and I it was pretty much a funny story that had already happened. Jerry had to go back for court, but it turned out to not be too awful. The cop had really only taken him in because he was irritated.

The goofy small-town cop wanted to make a point, so Jerry spent the night in jail and turned two semi-sober strangers loose. Brilliant. But to make my own point, I will say that Jerry is the only person for whom I have ever posted bail :-) He was many things, but irritating was not one of them!

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