I am ready for this week to be over, and it's only (barely) Wednesday. The big conference I do each year for my job is next week. That makes this week one of the most busy and usually most stressful . Some of the headaches are to be anticipated, and while I gripe about them, they can be taken in stride- last minute requests, last minute changes, etc. Some can be expected, but I don't have to like them, like hold ups waiting on other people to get their stuff together. This year, I am more than a little annoyed with my co-coordinator, who has left some pretty big things to the last minute, meaning that where we should be confirming details with the facility, the caterer and the trade show vendor, we are still trying to iron out a work plan. I am not happy about this, and the fact that I know it needs resolved, and there is nothing we can do until later today, when I was already going to be crazy busy, is keeping me awake. The other headache is caused by one of our out of town speakers, whose travel schedule is weird, to say the least. To make it more complicated, we contracted her through a speakers bureau. What this means is that rather than just being able to call her and work out details, I have to work through a representative. This means everything takes three times longer to resolve. For example, we got an official response to a question yesterday that we had already dismissed and moved on from due to lack of reply. Fortunately, the reply confirmed what we had already decided to do, or I might be lying awake wondering how to fix that too. Today is our work day, where we prep the packets and organize delivery of materials. That itself is not stressful, provided the printer has done everything correctly. It's just that I had set aside this morning to get ready for that, and now it looks like I will be spending my morning troubleshooting 99 other things instead.
And, because the rest of my life does not stop just because work is busy, I still have to get through this week on the home front. It's not any busier than most weeks, but trying to fit it all in while also getting ready to be out of town for three days is not simple. Monday we went to visit my father in law, who had to stay overnight in the hospital after a surgical procedure. Last night and tomorrow night we have soccer practice. Tonight we are going to a church activity and to see my in-laws again. Saturday, we have early soccer and will take the kids to stay at grandparents' house while I am gone. Sometime in between all that I need to pick up snacks for soccer, do laundry and pack suitcases, and oh yeah, prepare a lesson for Sunday. All while trying to keep work at work, be the best mom I can be for kids with homework, meals, time and attention, etc., and trying to maintain my sanity around B.
Remember him? He's 13 and driving me absolutely nuts. I know that what he most needs right now is consistency and patience and time and positive attention and all that parenting mumbo jumbo, but he makes it so difficult to even want to be around him that I know I am being a terrible parent right now. Of course I love him, but sometimes I have to try very hard to make it sound more sincere than sarcastic when I say it. Right now I am just hoping that he will behave himself while I am gone, because his grandparents are doing me a huge favor by watching them while I am gone, and they do not need his attitude to deal with right now.
On a side note, I have received several compliments about my lessons on Sunday. This is nice to hear, partly because it's nice to hear :) and partly because I was worried that I would not be a good teacher of adults, not having done that in awhile. I won't go so far as to say that I am having fun yet, but it's nice to know that others are getting something from it. I think I will too, in time.
And in the background of all this, I am still planning to leave my job for another opportunity. My official end date is the 27th, but I will come back a few times to wrap up the conference as necessary. I am very much looking forward to the new job, but still trying to do right by my current one. Truthfully, my boss is just grateful that I agreed to stick around until after the event, but I am not content to just get through it. It has been my baby for so long, and something I am known for and proud of. I don't have to go out with a bang, but it will bother me if I don't execute the best event possible.
So I will wear myself out this week, just to make those three days look like a perfect piece of cake.
September 18, 2013
August 29, 2013
A Little Awkward
So I have officially been offered, and accepted, a new job. I will begin around the first of October, per an arrangement between my current and new employers. While my old boss is pretty cool about me leaving, especially since I am willing and able to stay until after the conference, and my new boss is flexible about me easing into things, it still feels a little weird. I am somewhat busy with the conference, and am working on wrapping up/handing off tasks, but the truth is I am really only staying because no one else could have done the conference on short notice. So while the same old drama and gossip goes on around me, now it doesn't even affect me indirectly, except for having to listen to it. It's a rather strange dynamic indeed.
I spent yesterday afternoon at the new place, which was also a little strange. We mostly sat around visiting, asking and answering questions about the revisions to the job description, meeting people, getting a parking spot and keys, that sort of thing. My two colleagues are nice enough, although I am much younger than either of them, and have no idea how compatible we are in terms of personalities, work habits, etc.
There are two pretty cool things about the job though - first, I will be taking a modest pay cut, but only working 9-4, three days a week. That is the part that will be good for me and the kids, I think. Second, they actually rewrote the job description after my interview, to fit the skills I can bring to the position. They also, without me asking, upped the salary a bit because they thought it was appropriate, considering my skills. Several times, they have asked about my preferences or recommendations for software, vendors, etc. and said that whatever I think I need to do the job, they can get it for me.
That is certainly a big change from my current job, where I have been frustrated for a couple of years. I will admit that it feels pretty great to interview for a job, have the job description revised specifically for me, get a salary bump without no negotiation, be told that I can have the resources I need, and that they can be in place when I am ready to start, at a later date. I am sure that feeling of being valued is part of why I accepted the job, even with the pay cut. And I know that the honeymoon will end eventually, and I will be just another employee, griping about my boring job. For now, I am just keeping my head down, getting through the awkward phase, and waiting for the honeymoon to begin, for however long it lasts.
Speaking of awkward phases, please tell me that this is just a phase with B, and that he will someday grow up to be not a complete asshole.
I spent yesterday afternoon at the new place, which was also a little strange. We mostly sat around visiting, asking and answering questions about the revisions to the job description, meeting people, getting a parking spot and keys, that sort of thing. My two colleagues are nice enough, although I am much younger than either of them, and have no idea how compatible we are in terms of personalities, work habits, etc.
There are two pretty cool things about the job though - first, I will be taking a modest pay cut, but only working 9-4, three days a week. That is the part that will be good for me and the kids, I think. Second, they actually rewrote the job description after my interview, to fit the skills I can bring to the position. They also, without me asking, upped the salary a bit because they thought it was appropriate, considering my skills. Several times, they have asked about my preferences or recommendations for software, vendors, etc. and said that whatever I think I need to do the job, they can get it for me.
That is certainly a big change from my current job, where I have been frustrated for a couple of years. I will admit that it feels pretty great to interview for a job, have the job description revised specifically for me, get a salary bump without no negotiation, be told that I can have the resources I need, and that they can be in place when I am ready to start, at a later date. I am sure that feeling of being valued is part of why I accepted the job, even with the pay cut. And I know that the honeymoon will end eventually, and I will be just another employee, griping about my boring job. For now, I am just keeping my head down, getting through the awkward phase, and waiting for the honeymoon to begin, for however long it lasts.
Speaking of awkward phases, please tell me that this is just a phase with B, and that he will someday grow up to be not a complete asshole.
August 20, 2013
Seasonal News
Summer is officially over. Saturday was probably the last trip to the lake for this year, and yesterday was the first day of school. (It did not go well, BTW. We'll get in a routine eventually. I promise.)
Yesterday I also talked with SJ about my new job offer. She was very cool about it, which is a relief. Now to see if the new place is willing to delay my official start for a month until after the conference. I hope it works out, as the new gig will be good for our family, I think.
Weather is definitely fall weather. Would be nice to have a bit more time off while it lasts, as I am definitely on a home improvement roll! Got the possum belly cabinet stripped and refinished. Still need to reassemble it, but was waiting for the finish to cure. It looks great with the new top even if it is just sitting on there. Also got lots of pictures and décor hung up, light fixture (1 of 2, but still...) and ceiling fan installed (very cool) and stuff just generally arranged and organized. Still have several half-finished projects and the big cabinet to tackle, but I am finally making some noticeable progress.
In other random news, B got bands added to braces, is NOT playing football (lo-ong but familiar story) and I picked up my new glasses today. I may drive your grandma's Buick, but my eyewear is stylin'!
Yesterday I also talked with SJ about my new job offer. She was very cool about it, which is a relief. Now to see if the new place is willing to delay my official start for a month until after the conference. I hope it works out, as the new gig will be good for our family, I think.
Weather is definitely fall weather. Would be nice to have a bit more time off while it lasts, as I am definitely on a home improvement roll! Got the possum belly cabinet stripped and refinished. Still need to reassemble it, but was waiting for the finish to cure. It looks great with the new top even if it is just sitting on there. Also got lots of pictures and décor hung up, light fixture (1 of 2, but still...) and ceiling fan installed (very cool) and stuff just generally arranged and organized. Still have several half-finished projects and the big cabinet to tackle, but I am finally making some noticeable progress.
In other random news, B got bands added to braces, is NOT playing football (lo-ong but familiar story) and I picked up my new glasses today. I may drive your grandma's Buick, but my eyewear is stylin'!
August 5, 2013
Happy Birthday to Me, 2013
Actually, my birthday was not much to speak of, but that's OK. I am old enough now that birthdays are not the big deal they were when I was younger. Overall a good weekend though.
Friday night both boys were sleeping over at a friend's house, so L and I had "girls' night", which consisted of taking her to McDonald's and then the store to pick out a new outfit for school.
Saturday was drizzling rain all day, so mostly we stayed inside and didn't do much. I did get the last of the carpet pulled up, but it's still inside because I didn't want it to get water-logged before trash pick up. Also put away some of the stuff out of the boxes that were in the big cabinet and found homes for more junk. Next week I am taking some time off. While I probably won't be starting any new projects, I am hoping to wrap up a few before school starts the following week.
Yesterday we went to a pool party for the daughter of a friend. This makes two years in a row that I spent my birthday at her party :) But it was fun. The kids swam and played while the adults hung out and drank beer. We left about the time it started raining again, and everyone was tired, so the drive home seemed much longer than the drive there. Then we stopped to pick up pizza. We ended up getting it free because it took forever. Apparently one of the delivery drivers was robbed and the staff was behind, but instead of just telling us that, they tried to fit our order in between giving statements to the police. I don't think we live in the kind of place were the pizza guy gets robbed, so that IS a little weird.
Today is back to work. And I just got a call from the people interviewed with last week, so I need to quit with the self-indulgent blogging and send references :)
Friday night both boys were sleeping over at a friend's house, so L and I had "girls' night", which consisted of taking her to McDonald's and then the store to pick out a new outfit for school.
Saturday was drizzling rain all day, so mostly we stayed inside and didn't do much. I did get the last of the carpet pulled up, but it's still inside because I didn't want it to get water-logged before trash pick up. Also put away some of the stuff out of the boxes that were in the big cabinet and found homes for more junk. Next week I am taking some time off. While I probably won't be starting any new projects, I am hoping to wrap up a few before school starts the following week.
Yesterday we went to a pool party for the daughter of a friend. This makes two years in a row that I spent my birthday at her party :) But it was fun. The kids swam and played while the adults hung out and drank beer. We left about the time it started raining again, and everyone was tired, so the drive home seemed much longer than the drive there. Then we stopped to pick up pizza. We ended up getting it free because it took forever. Apparently one of the delivery drivers was robbed and the staff was behind, but instead of just telling us that, they tried to fit our order in between giving statements to the police. I don't think we live in the kind of place were the pizza guy gets robbed, so that IS a little weird.
Today is back to work. And I just got a call from the people interviewed with last week, so I need to quit with the self-indulgent blogging and send references :)
August 2, 2013
Week in Review
Monday -drama
Tuesday - drama
Wednesday - drama plus a sudden downpour resulting in downed trees and ruined shoes
Thursday - job interview, football parents' meeting
Friday - OMG, there's no drama!! where the hell is all the drama? I want my draaa ma!!!
Saturday - no drama in the forecast, but you know how drama works, so...
Sunday - birthday party
In between the whining, weather and craziness, I did manage to get conference brochures mailed, prep my stuff and drop it off for the consignment sale, go grocery shopping, have several good conversations with B and finally put away laundry.
Also managed to avoid the grand opening of our new (first) Wal-Mart, which is considered the most exciting thing to happen in our town since the last tornado. At some point this weekend, I will probably end up there to do some sales tax-free school shopping, but I will not be nearly as excited as the multitudes there this morning and subsequently posting on FB about it.
Also need to get the twins signed up for soccer, but that should be easy enough. The party on Sunday will be very laid back, so maybe I can have a relaxing weekend. Then Monday will be the first day of 6:30 a.m. football practice. They can't do two-a-days, so they will be practicing for 4 hours. Fun!
And a final note of drama - according to my oldest son (who nev-ver engages in drama, oh no), our neighbors are "preppers", who have made it possible to flip their concrete slab driveway up onto their (POS) car port (without crushing it or the "only" four people it takes to pull this feat off), and latch it (using magic latches that attach to concrete) in case of, "you know, a zombie apocalypse or something". Tell me that kid is not smoking something!
OK, back to work. Gotta finish up so I can leave early to get a new driver's license. Crossing my fingers this one doesn't look like a mug shot.
Tuesday - drama
Wednesday - drama plus a sudden downpour resulting in downed trees and ruined shoes
Thursday - job interview, football parents' meeting
Friday - OMG, there's no drama!! where the hell is all the drama? I want my draaa ma!!!
Saturday - no drama in the forecast, but you know how drama works, so...
Sunday - birthday party
In between the whining, weather and craziness, I did manage to get conference brochures mailed, prep my stuff and drop it off for the consignment sale, go grocery shopping, have several good conversations with B and finally put away laundry.
Also managed to avoid the grand opening of our new (first) Wal-Mart, which is considered the most exciting thing to happen in our town since the last tornado. At some point this weekend, I will probably end up there to do some sales tax-free school shopping, but I will not be nearly as excited as the multitudes there this morning and subsequently posting on FB about it.
Also need to get the twins signed up for soccer, but that should be easy enough. The party on Sunday will be very laid back, so maybe I can have a relaxing weekend. Then Monday will be the first day of 6:30 a.m. football practice. They can't do two-a-days, so they will be practicing for 4 hours. Fun!
And a final note of drama - according to my oldest son (who nev-ver engages in drama, oh no), our neighbors are "preppers", who have made it possible to flip their concrete slab driveway up onto their (POS) car port (without crushing it or the "only" four people it takes to pull this feat off), and latch it (using magic latches that attach to concrete) in case of, "you know, a zombie apocalypse or something". Tell me that kid is not smoking something!
OK, back to work. Gotta finish up so I can leave early to get a new driver's license. Crossing my fingers this one doesn't look like a mug shot.
July 30, 2013
Full speed ahead...
...with no particular plan
I heard this on the radio and it stuck with me because it perfectly describes everything right now. I keep plowing ahead, learning to manage more of life on my own without waiting for help or validation from others, responding to stupid questions and crises of the day, giving little thought to anything beyond getting through today, because to stop and think just makes me want to withdraw and feel pitiful. I keep thinking that if I can keep moving forward, I will eventually get somewhere better.
At least I sincerely hope this is the case, because otherwise I have wasted a lot of time on the wrong ideas, people and things.
I heard this on the radio and it stuck with me because it perfectly describes everything right now. I keep plowing ahead, learning to manage more of life on my own without waiting for help or validation from others, responding to stupid questions and crises of the day, giving little thought to anything beyond getting through today, because to stop and think just makes me want to withdraw and feel pitiful. I keep thinking that if I can keep moving forward, I will eventually get somewhere better.
At least I sincerely hope this is the case, because otherwise I have wasted a lot of time on the wrong ideas, people and things.
Deep Thoughts
July 29, 2013
Untitled. Undecided. Un-whatever - this has been a really very crappy couple of days.
The trip to Branson was actually OK. The weather was fantastic, the resort was nice, the kids had a great time. I could have stood to stay another day, maybe.
But, I got some disturbing news, and I am not sure yet what to do with/about it. I can see even as I write that I am going to need to think a little more about it before I do anything.
Then I got to work today to find the chaos has accelerated into like super chaos or something. Not sure about this either, but the difference is that I have limited control over how this turns out. Suffice it to say that I am longer waiting until after the conference to step up the job search.
I am headed to home to face a tedious task I can no longer avoid, so even home won't be that relaxing tonight.
And to think that I was just hoping to get around to posting about the dream I had of living in a hotel with a lobby big enough for the kids to ride their bikes and a lesbian roommate who specialized in stir fry.
Hmmpphh - Happy freaking Monday.
The trip to Branson was actually OK. The weather was fantastic, the resort was nice, the kids had a great time. I could have stood to stay another day, maybe.
But, I got some disturbing news, and I am not sure yet what to do with/about it. I can see even as I write that I am going to need to think a little more about it before I do anything.
Then I got to work today to find the chaos has accelerated into like super chaos or something. Not sure about this either, but the difference is that I have limited control over how this turns out. Suffice it to say that I am longer waiting until after the conference to step up the job search.
I am headed to home to face a tedious task I can no longer avoid, so even home won't be that relaxing tonight.
And to think that I was just hoping to get around to posting about the dream I had of living in a hotel with a lobby big enough for the kids to ride their bikes and a lesbian roommate who specialized in stir fry.
Hmmpphh - Happy freaking Monday.
July 26, 2013
Contents of a 13 year-old boy's backpack...
So I mentioned some concern about B possibly smoking. Last night I had the opportunity to take a peek in the sport pack he carries everywhere. Right off the bat I noticed a lighter, so I proceeded to look for cigarettes, or signs of cigarettes. I found an iPhone speaker, headphones, 2 packs of gum, his wrist wallet with his house key and a dollar, some Axe, but no smokes. I did find a crumpled paper sack, which I suspected might be fireworks, and then another paper sack folded up small and taped shut. Oh, hell no. Not being able to smell, I gently opened it, expecting the worst.
My excitement about NOT FINDING POT turned to dismay as I recognized the contents - condoms. I glanced in the other bag, which also contained condoms. What I had here was standard-issue health department condoms, complete with the mini-booklet entitled "How to use condoms". Well then.
I was so relieved that it wasn't something worse, that I just stuck everything back the best I could and returned the sack, including the lighter.
After much thought, I am wondering why he is carrying a lighter around, still on the alert for signs of smoking, but definitely glad that if I had to find a conversation starter it was condoms and not drugs.
It will just be the two of us on the drive up to Branson, so we'll see what comes of that.
My excitement about NOT FINDING POT turned to dismay as I recognized the contents - condoms. I glanced in the other bag, which also contained condoms. What I had here was standard-issue health department condoms, complete with the mini-booklet entitled "How to use condoms". Well then.
I was so relieved that it wasn't something worse, that I just stuck everything back the best I could and returned the sack, including the lighter.
After much thought, I am wondering why he is carrying a lighter around, still on the alert for signs of smoking, but definitely glad that if I had to find a conversation starter it was condoms and not drugs.
It will just be the two of us on the drive up to Branson, so we'll see what comes of that.
July 23, 2013
Back to Reality
Today feels more like normal. Yesterday I was so tired from the weekend that I am surprised I accomplished anything. Friday night everyone got here and we stayed up way too late. Saturday we had to get up early to go to the cemetery, then lunch, then back home to move furniture. Then back to pick up chairs and set up for the party. It was great - everyone did a really good job. Sunday was my first time to teach an adult class in forever. I don't think I did so hot, but K was with me and she said I did fine. She also got to see her dad, which was, umm, interesting.
No other big news. I didn't get the job I interviewed for, but I am actually OK with that. A friend of mine who used to work there gave me a heads up that I might be in for a really weird environment. I did get the china cabinet moved, which is a big deal. Now I have no excuses for not making progress on projects. Well, except that this weekend is family reunion in Branson.
Only other item of note is that I have really good reason to believe that B has started smoking. I will have to get creative to prove it, since I can't smell. Not sure I like the idea of having to be sneaky with my own kid, unless it turns out he started it.
Oh yeah, and the squatters have moved on. I think. Patrol car was next door again Sunday night.
No other big news. I didn't get the job I interviewed for, but I am actually OK with that. A friend of mine who used to work there gave me a heads up that I might be in for a really weird environment. I did get the china cabinet moved, which is a big deal. Now I have no excuses for not making progress on projects. Well, except that this weekend is family reunion in Branson.
Only other item of note is that I have really good reason to believe that B has started smoking. I will have to get creative to prove it, since I can't smell. Not sure I like the idea of having to be sneaky with my own kid, unless it turns out he started it.
Oh yeah, and the squatters have moved on. I think. Patrol car was next door again Sunday night.
Remembering Smell
July 7, 2013
I Needed a Holiday
So the last couple of months at work have been muy stressful. I had a job interview that seemed pretty promising, but I haven't heard anything else from them. But after a couple of days off with the family, I am feeling much better.
Wednesday night I dropped the kids off at grandma's and headed to Memphis. Spent the 4th in Tunica playing black jack and craps. Didn't come out ahead, but we spent most of the day there, had a great time, and didn't lose more than allowed. Headed back to Memphis, where we watched the fireworks over the river. Friday I came home, finished painting the boys' room, and then took the kids to the lake, where we swam, dived off the cliffs, and watched more fireworks. Yesterday we put the boys' furniture back in their room and rearranged some stuff so the house no longer looks like a work zone. Today was church, time with cousins, and getting started on taxes, finally. Tomorrow the new car will be done and delivered. All in all, I had a better, more productive weekend than I have had in the last month.
Football practice starts tomorrow, so B will have less time to fill, which is good for the both of us. The kids are really liking camp and getting to be better swimmers. The weather has been very nice (the same lack of humidity that let the paint dry quickly has made it very comfortable) so working on projects has been enjoyable. I am hoping to get a lot done this week and weekend before family stuff gets here. We'll have two weekends of family activities at the same time work gets nutty again, but maybe the mellowness of this little break will hold me for a while.
Wednesday night I dropped the kids off at grandma's and headed to Memphis. Spent the 4th in Tunica playing black jack and craps. Didn't come out ahead, but we spent most of the day there, had a great time, and didn't lose more than allowed. Headed back to Memphis, where we watched the fireworks over the river. Friday I came home, finished painting the boys' room, and then took the kids to the lake, where we swam, dived off the cliffs, and watched more fireworks. Yesterday we put the boys' furniture back in their room and rearranged some stuff so the house no longer looks like a work zone. Today was church, time with cousins, and getting started on taxes, finally. Tomorrow the new car will be done and delivered. All in all, I had a better, more productive weekend than I have had in the last month.
Football practice starts tomorrow, so B will have less time to fill, which is good for the both of us. The kids are really liking camp and getting to be better swimmers. The weather has been very nice (the same lack of humidity that let the paint dry quickly has made it very comfortable) so working on projects has been enjoyable. I am hoping to get a lot done this week and weekend before family stuff gets here. We'll have two weekends of family activities at the same time work gets nutty again, but maybe the mellowness of this little break will hold me for a while.
June 27, 2013
Cuervo and Kool-Aid
Because my work day ended with me having to call someone and put her on speaker to tell someone else "It can't be done". I have been saying this every time the subject came up. Not, "I didn't do it". Not "I don't want to do it". Not even "I can't do it". But that IT...CAN...NOT...BE...DONE.
And the perfectly appropriate and applicable quote of the day is "That's real retarded, sir".
Yeah, that kind of a day. Time for another drink.
And the perfectly appropriate and applicable quote of the day is "That's real retarded, sir".
Yeah, that kind of a day. Time for another drink.
June 26, 2013
Banjo Music to Pee By
Yeah, I know that is a gratuitous title intended to screw with the search engines. It is also the best description I can come up with for the weird, piped-in music that was playing in the bathroom at work today.
Speaking of work, this has been the most annoying week in a while. Without going into details, let's just say that between the end-of-the-year fiscal stress, made worse by a boss who has no sense of organization or basic accounting, plus the political drama, made worse by too many bosses for one job, plus my need to get something completely different accomplished, made worse by the fact that my priority is not anyone else's priority, until it becomes their priority, it has been a doozy. And it's only Wednesday.
In the middle of this, I had a job interview yesterday. I am of course second-guessing some of my responses, but over all I am qualified and hopeful. We'll see.
At home is has been a quiet week - Monday was my 22nd anniversary, but there was no one here to celebrate it with, so pretty low key. B has been gone the last two weeks, and this week until I don't know when. So just the twins and I, hanging out, messing with the garden, piddling at projects when it's not too hot, avoiding the pesky neighbor kid.
Speaking of pesky neighbor kid, he is actually a lot better, but still pretty annoying. I have figured out how to get him to behave most of the time. One, ask him nicely. Two, explain that since asking nicely didn't work, I will have to get "official". Three, pretend to write on a piece of paper. Four, get my phone. About the time I click on the camera icon and point it at him, he gets a scared look on his face and takes of for home. He'll figure it ou eventually and I'll have to try something else, but for now it works :)
Not much else is new. Garden is not impressive, but the kids are enjoying it. Mike came and finished the woodwork in the boys' room, I am almost done sanding the possum belly cabinet. Next up is to paint the trim, add the top to the cabinet, and then decide on either a sewing project (indoors, but something I have to be in the mood for), or another refinishing project (enjoyable, unless it continues to get hotter). Again, we'll see.
Next week of course is the 4th of July, but no plans as of yet.
Better go, time to get the twins ready for bed. They are going to Jump Zone tomorrow.
Speaking of work, this has been the most annoying week in a while. Without going into details, let's just say that between the end-of-the-year fiscal stress, made worse by a boss who has no sense of organization or basic accounting, plus the political drama, made worse by too many bosses for one job, plus my need to get something completely different accomplished, made worse by the fact that my priority is not anyone else's priority, until it becomes their priority, it has been a doozy. And it's only Wednesday.
In the middle of this, I had a job interview yesterday. I am of course second-guessing some of my responses, but over all I am qualified and hopeful. We'll see.
At home is has been a quiet week - Monday was my 22nd anniversary, but there was no one here to celebrate it with, so pretty low key. B has been gone the last two weeks, and this week until I don't know when. So just the twins and I, hanging out, messing with the garden, piddling at projects when it's not too hot, avoiding the pesky neighbor kid.
Speaking of pesky neighbor kid, he is actually a lot better, but still pretty annoying. I have figured out how to get him to behave most of the time. One, ask him nicely. Two, explain that since asking nicely didn't work, I will have to get "official". Three, pretend to write on a piece of paper. Four, get my phone. About the time I click on the camera icon and point it at him, he gets a scared look on his face and takes of for home. He'll figure it ou eventually and I'll have to try something else, but for now it works :)
Not much else is new. Garden is not impressive, but the kids are enjoying it. Mike came and finished the woodwork in the boys' room, I am almost done sanding the possum belly cabinet. Next up is to paint the trim, add the top to the cabinet, and then decide on either a sewing project (indoors, but something I have to be in the mood for), or another refinishing project (enjoyable, unless it continues to get hotter). Again, we'll see.
Next week of course is the 4th of July, but no plans as of yet.
Better go, time to get the twins ready for bed. They are going to Jump Zone tomorrow.
May 9, 2013
Letter to Him
I have been thinking about you a lot lately.
That is all.
I have been thinking about you a lot lately.
That is all.
Letters from a Friend
April 26, 2013
I Believe
Long story short, but I was thinking about writing my own "I Believe" statement. I got distracted and could only think of this:
Maybe I'll get around to the rest of my statement eventually. So far I have a pretty firm belief in the importance of good grammar and that there is no such thing as too much garlic. Until then, there are worse things to be thinking of on this random Friday in April than Kevin Costner ; )
April 19, 2013
Questionable Behavior
I have been meaning to post about a recurring subconscious dream that goes something like this:
Out of the blue, this guy I used to know calls me and tells me that his wife has filed for divorce. I don't say anything until he prompts me to say something. I tell him of course I am very sorry to hear it, and ask if he is doing OK. He says "yeah, but you're not going to be as nice when you hear the rest". At this point, I say the other thing I have been wanting to say, which is "am I going to be subpoenaed?". He doesn't reply, so I ask what it is I should say. He says, "Just tell the truth". At this point I wake up, because I have no idea what the truth would be in that situation.
The other junk on my mind the last couple of weeks fits also fits under the heading of Questionable Behavior:
I hit the %^$#ing neighbor kid with a baseball bat. Oh, chill, it's a foam practice bat, and he moved in front of it as much as I swung it at him.
I took a hydrocodone tablet when an aspirin would have done the job because I was too lazy to look for an aspirin.
I started looking for a job again. On work time. On my boss's computer.
And my six year-old's teacher called to say he had told her to "Shut up, you son-of-a-...". Really not sure where that one came from. I don't talk like that and I don't allow my kids to talk like that, or watch shows with that kind of language.
OK, I'll behave now.
Out of the blue, this guy I used to know calls me and tells me that his wife has filed for divorce. I don't say anything until he prompts me to say something. I tell him of course I am very sorry to hear it, and ask if he is doing OK. He says "yeah, but you're not going to be as nice when you hear the rest". At this point, I say the other thing I have been wanting to say, which is "am I going to be subpoenaed?". He doesn't reply, so I ask what it is I should say. He says, "Just tell the truth". At this point I wake up, because I have no idea what the truth would be in that situation.
The other junk on my mind the last couple of weeks fits also fits under the heading of Questionable Behavior:
I hit the %^$#ing neighbor kid with a baseball bat. Oh, chill, it's a foam practice bat, and he moved in front of it as much as I swung it at him.
I took a hydrocodone tablet when an aspirin would have done the job because I was too lazy to look for an aspirin.
I started looking for a job again. On work time. On my boss's computer.
And my six year-old's teacher called to say he had told her to "Shut up, you son-of-a-...". Really not sure where that one came from. I don't talk like that and I don't allow my kids to talk like that, or watch shows with that kind of language.
OK, I'll behave now.
Random Thoughts
April 8, 2013
Another Week in Review
The highlights of our family timeline for the last week look something like this:
Tuesday, 4-2 - Gigi passed away, 10 days after her stroke
Wednesday, 4-3 - took B to church, ate at Waffle House with MIL
Thursday, 4-4 - Let B have a friend spend the night on a school night, because the whole week was effed up anyway, so why not?
Friday, 4-5 - took the day off work to get ready for trip to OK
Sat, 4-6, 1:30 a.m. - got up and showered
Sat, 4-6, 2:45 a.m. - picked L up in Lonoke and began driving to OK
Sat, 4-6, 6:00 a.m. - stopped for gas, breakfast and truck stop showers (which everyone in my family except for me seems to think is a treat)
Sat, 4-6, 8:30 a.m. - arrive in Ramona where we changed clothes and got ready for funeral
Sat, 4-6, 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. - LONGEST EFFING DAY EVER
Sunday, 4-7, noonish - skipped church, met lots of family for lunch after, where we celebrated B's birthday. He was pretty cool about it, very appreciative of all of the attention, and fully understanding that the only time he will ever have this many family members at a birthday party for him will be if it coincides with another funeral. Little twerp raked in a bunch of money too, part of which he donated to the Memorial Fund.
Sunday, 4-7, 4 p.m. - headed back to AR
Sunday, 4-7, 10:30 p.m. - dropped L off in Lonoke
Sunday, 4-7, 11 p.m. - arrived home, unloaded the bare minimum from car, and fell into bed
Notice anything missing from the 72 hours between Friday night and Sunday night? Like adequate sleep?
I hope to eventually write a bit about Gigi, and what a pretty amazing family she left behind, but not right now. Right now I have to get through the last hour of work so I can go home, unload the car, and begin to make space in my house for a piano. Yes, we just acquired a piano. With a fairly prominent plaque on the side that ensures we can never (easily) get rid of it.
March 8, 2013
The Week That Was
Monday - I stayed home sick
Tuesday - L spent the night at home
Wednesday - the van broke down after I had dropped the kids off for activities but before I finished my errand and could pick them up
Thursday - D lost a tooth and this happened to B
Friday - first day of baseball and the end of a very strange week
Tuesday - L spent the night at home
Wednesday - the van broke down after I had dropped the kids off for activities but before I finished my errand and could pick them up
Thursday - D lost a tooth and this happened to B
Friday - first day of baseball and the end of a very strange week
March 7, 2013
Fragrant Dreams
Another weird dream last night. I have been trying to remember how to tell it in a linear fashion, but I can only come up with bits and pieces with recurring elements, but no overarching story line. Some of what I can remember:
- We seemed to live in a normal neighborhood, although everyone was extremely familiar with each other, from knowing our dog's name, to thinking nothing of walking in to each others back yards, to having heard a funny story about one of my children before I did. A little discomfiting.
- A bunch of us went to some kind of event that seemed to be a combination of street fair, movie-set Main Street, and staging area for an excursion of some kind. At some point, we took a detour to the back lot, where we saw the "seamy underbelly of a small town festival", and where I got separated from my family.
- Then suddenly my "guide" and I were back in some kind of shopping center, where he encouraged me to make a life-size Grinch at the the Build-a-Bear kiosk. I declined.
- Then we were back in the staging area, where the tour staff where sorting out each families' belongings, which had gotten all muddled up after unloading from their excursions (ours seemed to include a duck boat). Again, very discomfiting, because that level of familiarity meant that people were not only looking for their own items, they were so helpful in pointing out that basket of dirty laundry must belong to so and so, and recognizing that striped towel as belonging to the Ketterman boy. By this point I did not like some of my neighbors so much anymore.
- The guy who had been my guide seemed to be laughing at my discomfort with the whole scene, but then he must have took mercy, because he gave me a little hug as he handed me a duffle bag and pointed out where my family was.
- I remember that he was wearing a light blue polo shirt and that he was very fit. When he hugged me, he smelled awesome. I waved to L, and then turned back to give the guy another big hug just so I could sniff him some more.
- Then I met up with my family and we went home to have a backyard barbecue.
Remembering Smell,
February 15, 2013
Wacky Wednesday
Not sure why, but it seems like the weirdest day of the week is always Wednesday. This week was no different, although I am just now getting around to jotting it down. On Wednesday of this week:
* I saw a homeless guy, which is not that weird. He was sitting on a bench, with his shoes beside him, which is probably also not that weird. But, and here is the weird to me part, he was sniffing his sock. As if it might not smell as bad as the rest of him? To wake himself up? Because he liked it? Weird.
* The top news story on my home page was about pictures of Princess Kate in a bikini. The headline read "Princess Kate Bikini Pics". The jump read "And curly, too". The link led to an article that showed no pictures, and explained that her hair is normally curly, not straight. I think the copywriter must have been trying to generate interest in a story that wasn't really a story. But am I the one who is weird for thinking this article was headed in a whole different direction?
* At the top of this blog you will notice a button that says "Next Blog". If you click on it, it will take you to the, yep, you guessed it, next blog hosted by blogger and with permission to share in this way. Sometimes when I am bored, I click on it just to see where it goes. I have found a few interesting blogs this way, but mostly I find either blogs that haven't been updated in three years, family blogs, or blogs in a foreign language. After a certain point, I usually get caught in a loop of blogs that share a theme that doesn't interest me at all (cancer, religion, crafting) and I quit. Well Wednesday, as I was clicking through, I landed on a blog by a woman who has a spanking fetish. It led to another, and another, and so on. I quit after a couple of tries that led to more of exactly the same. I don't know what is weirdest about this to me - that some people actually like to be spanked just to be spanked, that there are so many blogs and sites dedicated to this topic, or how I came to land there. The feature is interesting in theory, but it doesn't seem to work in either of the ways that makes sense - either totally random, meaning one site has nothing to do with the previous site, or where one site does lead to the next one for a reason. In which case, why does my blog always lead to someone with no life, a terminal life, or a wacky sex life?
* I saw a homeless guy, which is not that weird. He was sitting on a bench, with his shoes beside him, which is probably also not that weird. But, and here is the weird to me part, he was sniffing his sock. As if it might not smell as bad as the rest of him? To wake himself up? Because he liked it? Weird.
* The top news story on my home page was about pictures of Princess Kate in a bikini. The headline read "Princess Kate Bikini Pics". The jump read "And curly, too". The link led to an article that showed no pictures, and explained that her hair is normally curly, not straight. I think the copywriter must have been trying to generate interest in a story that wasn't really a story. But am I the one who is weird for thinking this article was headed in a whole different direction?
* At the top of this blog you will notice a button that says "Next Blog". If you click on it, it will take you to the, yep, you guessed it, next blog hosted by blogger and with permission to share in this way. Sometimes when I am bored, I click on it just to see where it goes. I have found a few interesting blogs this way, but mostly I find either blogs that haven't been updated in three years, family blogs, or blogs in a foreign language. After a certain point, I usually get caught in a loop of blogs that share a theme that doesn't interest me at all (cancer, religion, crafting) and I quit. Well Wednesday, as I was clicking through, I landed on a blog by a woman who has a spanking fetish. It led to another, and another, and so on. I quit after a couple of tries that led to more of exactly the same. I don't know what is weirdest about this to me - that some people actually like to be spanked just to be spanked, that there are so many blogs and sites dedicated to this topic, or how I came to land there. The feature is interesting in theory, but it doesn't seem to work in either of the ways that makes sense - either totally random, meaning one site has nothing to do with the previous site, or where one site does lead to the next one for a reason. In which case, why does my blog always lead to someone with no life, a terminal life, or a wacky sex life?
February 11, 2013
Suck What?
So Hillary had her brain surgery today. The prognosis is good - the tumor was larger than they thought, but they are confident they got all of it, and that it is not cancerous. Very glad to hear it, and hope that her recovery goes well. I was really worried about her and her family.
On a lighter note, I got a bit of a laugh today. This blog has an analytical tool, which I never use because I have only ever given the URL to three people, who I am pretty sure haven't been around in forever. But occasionally I am prompted to check it and lo and behold, I had a visitor over the weekend. I used the tool to figure out how they came to land on my blog. Apparently, some fetishist was looking up Asian*girl*smashing*crawdads*with*stilettos, and my page came up. They apparently didn't find what they were looking for, and moved on.
Must not have seen this:
On a lighter note, I got a bit of a laugh today. This blog has an analytical tool, which I never use because I have only ever given the URL to three people, who I am pretty sure haven't been around in forever. But occasionally I am prompted to check it and lo and behold, I had a visitor over the weekend. I used the tool to figure out how they came to land on my blog. Apparently, some fetishist was looking up Asian*girl*smashing*crawdads*with*stilettos, and my page came up. They apparently didn't find what they were looking for, and moved on.
Must not have seen this:
February 5, 2013
Monday Blues
Yesterday was the 30th anniversary of Karen Carpenter's death. I wouldn't say I was a fan of the Carpenters, but I do remember most of their songs from when I was a kid. Plus, yesterday was Monday, and it was rainy. And I was feeling a little out of sorts.
Someone whom I admire very much discovered she has a brain tumor, and will need surgery as soon as possible. The doctors do not believe it is cancerous, but I am feeling really apprehensive. We made cards and pictures for her last night for FHE. B made a graphic picture of someone digging a tumor out of her wide-open head. I wrote her a letter telling her why she is my inspiration.
On a lighter note, the new cat is coming out of hiding more often and for longer periods. For his part, the dog is learning a little restraint. The cat's name is Oreo. He is neither black nor white, nor does he resemble an Oreo in any other way. He actually looks like a less fluffy, slightly less evil version of this:
Random Thoughts
January 25, 2013
Letter to the MSM Girl
Dear Chubby Girl in the Plaid Uniform Skirt:
OK, skort, whatever. You still shouldn't sit that way in public. That is all I have to say about that.
Fellow Library Patron
OK, skort, whatever. You still shouldn't sit that way in public. That is all I have to say about that.
Fellow Library Patron
Letters from a Friend
January 18, 2013
Welcome to F*ing 2013
This has been one of those weeks where both nothing and some of everything has happened. As early as Monday I knew the week would probably be a bust because my boss's dad passed away and she was going to be quite distracted. Then we had FHE, which went slightly better than last week. We talked about working together and how, when everyone does their part, everyone receives the reward/blessing. Plans for a garden continue, and the brownies were good. Then Tuesday, the weather got dicey, so I left work at 11:15 after only two hours. I made it home ahead of most of the traffic and before the ice and snow accumulated too much. School started at 10:00 on Wednesday, so I got to work later then usual. Thursday, I was off to take B to the orthodontist. He got his bottom braces put on and was not a happy camper about it. Then last night, we saw some real action.
Wednesday night, I saw a rat run through the house, but I couldn't figure out where it went, and the dog didn't seem too concerned. Then Thursday morning, he appeared to have it cornered. I left him to it, but the rat managed to escape. I bought traps and set them out, but didn't have a chance to tell anyone. So last night B, already more touchy than usual, headed to bed when I heard a ridiculous scream. I went in his room to find him almost in tears, and the rat peeking out from the top of the curtain. I got the broom and the dog, positioned B to direct the rat, told D, who was awake by now to hide his eyes, then whacked the curtain. All hell broke loose as the rat made for the door. The dog got him, and it was over fairly quickly. The limp rat got disposed of, and the dog got a treat to replace the one he had earned. I always look for signs of mice when the weather gets cold, when I get out Christmas decorations, etc. and I have not seen signs of mice or rodents, so I think it maybe got inside and couldn't figure out how to get away. Anyways, pretty sure it was a once-in-a-while kind of deal, but we'll all be a little creeped out for a few days. Nice to know the dog knows what is expected of him though :)
Then today, I noticed my van making a weird noise. It drove fine, so I headed to work. I was almost there when the transmission went out. So today, I left work early, again, to deal with that. It took all afternoon, but I have a rental car and permission to leave the car where it sits until Monday if needed. And I actually had plans for tomorrow that may or may not work out. It sort of depends on how/when the van can be retrieved. Then of course the decision about whether it can be fixed or if I will be in the market for a new car. I was hoping for one, but not until later in the spring, so we'll see how that goes. Not how my weekend, or my week for that matter was supposed to go at all.
Wednesday night, I saw a rat run through the house, but I couldn't figure out where it went, and the dog didn't seem too concerned. Then Thursday morning, he appeared to have it cornered. I left him to it, but the rat managed to escape. I bought traps and set them out, but didn't have a chance to tell anyone. So last night B, already more touchy than usual, headed to bed when I heard a ridiculous scream. I went in his room to find him almost in tears, and the rat peeking out from the top of the curtain. I got the broom and the dog, positioned B to direct the rat, told D, who was awake by now to hide his eyes, then whacked the curtain. All hell broke loose as the rat made for the door. The dog got him, and it was over fairly quickly. The limp rat got disposed of, and the dog got a treat to replace the one he had earned. I always look for signs of mice when the weather gets cold, when I get out Christmas decorations, etc. and I have not seen signs of mice or rodents, so I think it maybe got inside and couldn't figure out how to get away. Anyways, pretty sure it was a once-in-a-while kind of deal, but we'll all be a little creeped out for a few days. Nice to know the dog knows what is expected of him though :)
Then today, I noticed my van making a weird noise. It drove fine, so I headed to work. I was almost there when the transmission went out. So today, I left work early, again, to deal with that. It took all afternoon, but I have a rental car and permission to leave the car where it sits until Monday if needed. And I actually had plans for tomorrow that may or may not work out. It sort of depends on how/when the van can be retrieved. Then of course the decision about whether it can be fixed or if I will be in the market for a new car. I was hoping for one, but not until later in the spring, so we'll see how that goes. Not how my weekend, or my week for that matter was supposed to go at all.
Way of the Gun, Part 2
In part 1, I wrote about how my family lived and worked around guns. In fact, I grew up in a community where many people owned guns, presumably for hunting or sport shooting. I can only recall one time I know of where someone took it up a notch.
My dad sold a horse to a guy. The guy called to tell my dad the horse wasn't any good, and he wasn't going to pay my dad the agreed-upon price. My dad told my mom he was going to the guy's house. He would either come back with the horse or the money. Instead, he came back with this story:
My dad had let Cliff take the horse without paying because the asking price was pretty steep, and because he was tired of pasturing him. When my dad got to Cliff's house, Cliff told him the horse wasn't worth $800, but he would pay $500. My dad said Cliff shouldn't have agreed to pay it if he wasn't interested and that he would like his horse back. Cliff said the horse wasn't there and he could not easily return him. At this point my dad had neither the money nor the horse, and was understandably pissed. He admits he hauled off and hit Cliff first. Cliff told the other two guys that were there to hold my dad. My dad figured he was about to get the crap beat out of him, so he took off towards his car (Yes, a car. Not sure how that would have worked for bringing home a horse!).
Before he got to the car, he heard the unmistakeable sound of a gun being cocked. Instead of getting in the car, which was a piece of crap, he jumped in the bushes beside the driveway. Cliff shot the car up pretty good, and then must have realized what he had done and disappeared back into the house. My dad drove the car home, where he took pictures and called the sheriff. My dad got his horse back, but the story doesn't end there.
The next day, Cliff showed up at the ER with heart attack symptoms. He filed a lawsuit against my dad for his medical expenses and for his distress. My dad filed a counter suit for the car. The case actually went to court, where it was revealed that Cliff had a history of heart trouble and that nothing had been wrong with him on the day in the suit. The judge dismissed his case. He did find Cliff liable for my dad's car as well his legal expenses. Cliff tried to appeal that the amount was too much of a burden, even though it was not much more than what he had agreed to spend on a horse. My dad said that he was happy with the ruling, and would accept a payment plan.
For three years, my dad received a check for thirty-some odd dollars every month. I asked him once what he did with it. He said he cracked up at the thought that Cliff had to think about it every time he wrote the check, then he took my mom out to dinner.
My dad sold a horse to a guy. The guy called to tell my dad the horse wasn't any good, and he wasn't going to pay my dad the agreed-upon price. My dad told my mom he was going to the guy's house. He would either come back with the horse or the money. Instead, he came back with this story:
My dad had let Cliff take the horse without paying because the asking price was pretty steep, and because he was tired of pasturing him. When my dad got to Cliff's house, Cliff told him the horse wasn't worth $800, but he would pay $500. My dad said Cliff shouldn't have agreed to pay it if he wasn't interested and that he would like his horse back. Cliff said the horse wasn't there and he could not easily return him. At this point my dad had neither the money nor the horse, and was understandably pissed. He admits he hauled off and hit Cliff first. Cliff told the other two guys that were there to hold my dad. My dad figured he was about to get the crap beat out of him, so he took off towards his car (Yes, a car. Not sure how that would have worked for bringing home a horse!).
Before he got to the car, he heard the unmistakeable sound of a gun being cocked. Instead of getting in the car, which was a piece of crap, he jumped in the bushes beside the driveway. Cliff shot the car up pretty good, and then must have realized what he had done and disappeared back into the house. My dad drove the car home, where he took pictures and called the sheriff. My dad got his horse back, but the story doesn't end there.
The next day, Cliff showed up at the ER with heart attack symptoms. He filed a lawsuit against my dad for his medical expenses and for his distress. My dad filed a counter suit for the car. The case actually went to court, where it was revealed that Cliff had a history of heart trouble and that nothing had been wrong with him on the day in the suit. The judge dismissed his case. He did find Cliff liable for my dad's car as well his legal expenses. Cliff tried to appeal that the amount was too much of a burden, even though it was not much more than what he had agreed to spend on a horse. My dad said that he was happy with the ruling, and would accept a payment plan.
For three years, my dad received a check for thirty-some odd dollars every month. I asked him once what he did with it. He said he cracked up at the thought that Cliff had to think about it every time he wrote the check, then he took my mom out to dinner.
Way of the Gun
I grew up around guns. My dad has always owned numerous guns, including hand guns, antique guns, and guns of questionable ownership. My brother and I were allowed to play with toys guns of all sorts, with one unbreakable rule: you never, ever, on penalty of an ass-whipping, pointed the gun at a living thing and pretended to shoot it.
Sometimes, my dad made his living thanks to guns. My dad operated a guide and outfitting business. Every fall, people from around the country paid my dad big amounts of money to camp in a tent and hunt deer and elk. He finally quit doing this because the combination of regulation on federal land and the dwindling access to private land made the business cost-prohibitive. He did not quit this business when any of the following occurred:
A hunter failed repeatedly to use the safety feature on his gun. While leaning back to ride under a low-hanging branch, the man's gun went off. It spooked his horse, who took off. The man, being about as good at horseback riding as he was at responsible gun use, slipped off the horse and got dragged for a ways down the trail. He stood up and threatened to sue my dad for negligence in keeping a dangerous animal. My dad pointed at where the shot had taken a chunk out of poor Bonnie's butt, and informed the man that there would be two horses asses in court if that was the case. The man shut up, and did not come hunting with that group again.
Another hunter drank too much one night in camp, and decided to play William Tell. He managed to fire off one shot at the coffee cup his friend was holding up at the other end of the cabin before he was ordered to pack his gear. My dad brought him out that night and dropped him off at the airport.
That was the most serious offense. There were also many other stories over the years, plus a semiannual event that didn't even involve guns. With every group, my dad would warn the clients about building too big of a fire at night, or getting their gear too close to the stoves. About every other year, one of them would either forget or not pay attention and manage to light up their ammo. This is sort of entertaining in a controlled environment, but as you can see, deer camp is sometimes hard to control.
The point is, I was raised to have a lot of respect for guns. I also learned the importance of avoiding people and situations who do not have that same respect. Mostly I learned that people with enough disposable income to pay to hunt with my dad also tended to be assholes.
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