July 23, 2010

Stuff I Really Don't Like

  1. tomatoes
  2. clutter
  3. not being taken seriously
  4. feeling left out
  5. letting someone else have the last word
  6. summer in the South
  7. uncertainty
  8. fried eggs
  9. when the idea in my head doesn't come out the same on paper
  10. water
  11. worrying about money
  12. beetles and june bugs
  13. cleaning up other people's messes
  14. when people stand too close
  15. people who don't think the same rules apply to them that apply to everyone else
  16. people who tip for crap
  17. intolerance
  18. girls between the ages of about 11 and 16
  19. rap music
  20. reality tv
  21. most things Disney
  22. Wal-Mart
  23. the Dallas Cowboys
  24. right-wing tv commentators
  25. people who are unjustifiably stuck up
  26. wastefulness
  27. excuses
  28. rush hour traffic
  29. walking on a gritty surface
  30. dark beer

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