July 10, 2010

Which Tony Did You Get?

We have a tenant who is bipolar. L used to complain about him because he was always calling for some weird reason. L was gone for awhile and I had to collect rent. T would call and ask if I was coming by, and he was always on time, and nice about it. I couldn't figure out why L didn't like him. That's when he told me that T was bipolar. Now we crack jokes about how schizo T always calls L, and normal T always calls me.

T collects disability, and doesn't work. He pays his rent on time, but in small bills. I asked L if he thought T was dealing, but he said no, he just works for cash. He's actually really smart, just can't work a lot of regular jobs because of his diagnosis.

"Really smart" apparently doesn't do him justice. L was talking to him the other day about his business idea. T has cash money, a lot of cash money, and is willing to invest in the business. So L was talking to me about it and says nothing is for sure yet, and of course he will get an agreement signed that lays out the terms.

My thoughts, in about this order: What kind of jobs does he do again, to have that kind of money sitting around? If he has that kind of cash around all the time, no wonder he is paranoid. And why the hell didn't Larry get something signed right then? You know, in case generous T isn't there on the day L is ready to go into business?

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